incredible, i became a bookworm, thanks to her :D in class today, im liek all silent and all and just with my book, no care to the world, just me and my book :D
today was kinda... like peaceful. maybe cause i was in my own world, sunny morning kissing my face, cool breeze whistling across my hair, haikal getting owned and ganged up by people with ice cubes :D that was at recess, so fun~
today i tolerated quite well, al lthose that maked me pissed actually didnt work. knowing my moral made me not go violent~
something i thought of and know why im like all silent and so called 'anti social' right now. im not, i just dont want to be there when im not wanted like yendall, but thats his job cause like bervyn and the rest are like his best buds while im not. so if i go, its like im being an extra. im only there when im wanted, if not, im in my own little world. which is kinda sad actually but getting use to it.
sigh, i really want to fix the bridge between you and me girl, gotta think of something.
my luck has gone terribly bad after since i made up with joel, its the same thing even before that, bad luck strikes, like today and tuesday, i went, thunderstorm followed... i knwo gods trying to tell me something but i just dont know what, please talk to me...
Silent Bookie is on the loose... watch out... Life is Sweet Co...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
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