Today was really interesting school day :D First in the morning, was so bored and tired... ugh mass workout, why can't they just go ot the gym instead? its way more fun there and more work is done. Then mrs tan wasnt here today so rainald took over our class :D in morning assembly, everyone keeps asking him to come over to them, especially aloy lol. then mass workout, haikal dissapeared in the muddy ground HAH! jkjk im not racist lol
in maths, i sabo andrea XD he kept flicking my hair and he tried to blame it on steven, i know stev en isnt the one who is capable of annoying me... so then i raised my hand and said "cher, andrea keeps flicking my hair..." then she cao pe him and he showed me all the colorful language :D
later in sci, rainald took over our class and gave us sci worksheets... well i did it, mostly. then later i went to ka chiau other people, first i went to prem and irfan, prem has a very weird style of playing football in his phone... he just kicks the ball out and nowhere close to the goal! he was also running around te ball, he enters the goal area in a 90 degree fashion LOL that was damn funny, me and irfan was laughing like siao HAH! Then later i saw aloy getting bullied by yendall, then DM came into the room, wesay his face at the backdoor and it was damn scary sia, he confiscated but then returned steven and justins earpiece. justin cried when he lost his Iphone... suay sia~
in chinese, i cha bok and slacked, as usual
then later in recess after we ate, we went to the basket court, we wanted to disturb the sec ones, they got skills sia, while we just stand there LOL then aloy wanted to do a slam dunk moment and so people tried to carry him, the ring almost break! after tha, we say haikal pissed himself when the rest was annoying him in the toilet then the teacher came in and all of them were like paiseh esp haikal HAHAHAHA :D
my shoe was stolen... i climbed up the monkey bars, people wantd to pull my pants but instead they grabbed my shoe sia... they keep throwing around, but it was damn fun :D my shoe got stucked at the ledge.. i got so pissed but having a great time HAH!
then english, doign the project, blah blah blah, we also say someone's blog ;D
Then later, went to rainald's housse for dota, cantius, aloy, bervyn, joel, jiawei came along. it was first me and aloy vs joel, jiawei and cantius and we owend SHIT!~mostly me cause of MURLOC! SLARK FTW! Then later bervyn left and then aloy and rainald vs me cantius and joel, they owned shit... both invis man, so hard but at least icould survive! Rainalds mom got scared when i killed him and shouted LOL
Joel and i really went along very well when in dota even thought he hates me, i dont thought, we should play dota more often :D anyway joel, if you are reading this, which you can, sorry for whatever ive done man, in the hols i was a little out of shape and order, you arnt, you got a better life, but anyway, please forgive me man, be brothers again? *stretches out my hand* :3
Thats all for today, life is sweet~
Those that follows my blog, apologies for not writing anything lately, i was busy, tired and slacked out~
Yesterday was the second week of term 2, sighs, and stil ldumped with a lot of hw, and also sci test coming up this thurs, Sexual reproduction and chem changes, Cheryl i know you like the first topic :D anyway, i dont bother to study... at best ill just get an A2.
After school, i followed aloy, cantius and rainald to hougang mall, cause i got nothing better else to do and its a monday :D, ate pizza hut *chills down my spine* although only cantius and rainald ate. we should have went to the buffet next door... more worth it. cantius sat and squezzed next to me and tried to peak under a girls skirt that was sitting beside us and she noticeably, her legs were spread and her skirt was short... i blame cantius...
then later cantius went to get a hair cut and i showed him where it was, INFRONT OF HIM and he still did not noticed... blur like sotong sia... while he was havign a haircut, i went up to buy crispy chicken from the taiwan store nxt to old chunky (you will kknow when you say it). and i also happen to bump into a girl from HIHS :D we had a very good convo and it was nice to see her again after so long.
went back and cantius still didnt cut his hair, BTW YOU OWE ME 3.20 and rainald you owe me 1.10... then when he cut his har, he loos really DAMN WEIRD but when he was done he looks fine, during the barber session aloy mentioned his sisters and rainald got very interested, including me lol :D
then later before i went of for tution, i say a comics connection havign a sale and when i say a sleepign lion keychain fro mfinal fantasy I WANTED TO BUY IT AND ONLY $3! and so i bought it and i was very over joyed :D at first i asked them to come down when they were going up the excalator but then later the came down and become damn interested... i have eyes for good stuff O>O then after i bought my stuff, rainald found a purple octopus and asked aloy to put it on his head, IT WAS DAMN CUTE AND DAMN FUNNY HAHAHAHAHAHA! rainald took the photo and soon wil lpost on facebook, i cant wait to see it :D
well thats all for monday, and for the record rainald, i was quite for anonymous reasons :D
Not too long ago i had tis problem, now i want to fix it... if you are looking at this i am sorry for being a pest, i just want what happen to be forgotten, just be back to being friends la, you know who you are, ICE CREAM!
On an irrelevant note, The girl i like seems to be loosening up, now she's giving me the silent treatment for fun. In morning training, before the lesson ended, we had a 25m race, i yelled "I WANT TO RACE WITH YOU!" then she purposely asked the guy standing next to me "hey! lets race!" while she gave me a grin. still liked it though~
Then later in afternoon training, when we were having a relay, i was suppose to go to the other side of the pool to do butterfly, then i bumped into her, she said sorry and gave me what seems to be a smile, i was blur at the moment, then i aslo said a sorry as if it was nothing, i should have made a short convo... DAMMIT
What a saturday :D
Morning: Terrible
Later morning: Bad
Noon: So-So
Early afternoon: Better
Afternoon: Sweet!
Today, in the morning was sports day... we are not and participating and yet we still have to go... Bethomiew are terrible cheerers but we WON SECOND PLACE!!! not really caring though...The only thing i would care about is Miss Ong and Miss Mo in tight yellow shirts :3 And bervyn said how it would be soo good if you like move your head around in between their "JUGS". HAHAHAHAAHAA!
Then later we were walking to the lan place, bervyn, haikal and abby kee taking turns to carry aloysious. they want to prove that they are actually strong... lol. After eating we all went to the lan shop but on the way me and justin went into a small grocery shop to look for Dr. Peppers, sadly there isnt any... But when we went in, everyone followed us in... posers then later haikal picked up a FHM magazine and everyone started crowding around, me and justin were like WTF...
Later in the game, first we lost then the next 2 games we won. BERVYN WAS A BASTARD THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE THING, first he use taylor swift as a name... then later adamtheretard then the last is Your MOM. When i killed bervyn in dota, the thing showed, "Yosh has pwned Your MOM" then me, justin, cantius, baggio and aloy laughed damn hard at that funny phrase! Viper FTW! :3
Then later everyone left to the bus stop, then they all get off after the bus stop for montfort and only me and justin were left on the bus. I needed to piss badly... so i followed justin to heartland mall and then we came across a woman giving out vouchers for Domino's pizza. Justin said those were all worth it and i said so what, then i was hungry so i followed him to the domino pizza shop.
he bought the personal size pizza and i said, WOW that is so not worth it. Then he gave me a slice and i tried, MY TONGUE WENT TO HEAVEN. It was so damn zai...
Then later i went to swimming, Today was probably the most slack training ever. And then after training i talked to the rest of the gang having fun :D
I'd say today was a great day~
Man, i was looking at danceworks on okto and i was so jealous... i wanted to learn hot they danced and all that but im stuck in montfort... no fun on these kinds of things at all, all is study and all the educational excursion, nowonder montfortians became like they are today... i wish i lived differently and went to a diff school... or at least learned how they danced....
But 3 things i will never forget to pursue things, Never give up, never back down, Dont lose faith. but the thing is i dont know where to start....
Its raining in the after noon, sky is dark and in my room. Something about the rain just makes me think about my life, seeing flash backs of memories, good and bad ones. It also makes me feel more emotional, feeling so lovey-duby to the person i like and missing my old friends, including the ones i lost...
Today after school ended, PIZZA ON RAINALD , Haikal was being a pig eating more than 2 pizzas, while i only had two :3 I have no training today cause my mmuscles are aching, and tomorrow is sports day... why cant the peopel participating just go themselves? we are not included so its actually wasting out lifespan, screw schools and their compulsory policy... but lucky after the sports day, we are going to the lan shop and play dota :3 the losing team losses will pay for the winner's fee~
Well the day could have gotten better, still sad somehow, im like missing soemthing, or want something precious... I miss my soul sister :(
Two weeks ago we had an end of term party~
Group Photo!
Monkey me~
Pissed mood: something about singaporeans,including myself, are not loyal, friends worthy or trustworthy either. But a jolly sap like me, i trust anybody that seems nice to me. But that caused me to break and burn... I just make friends with the wrong people time and time, i should have gone to the school around my town area, like Compassvale sec or Nan chiao or possibly holy innocents... Regret is something people can't turn back, its just have to be moved along~
Word of the day: Malevolence~
Back to another new term on the first day. IT SUCKED PLATYPUS SHIT~ everytime i look at the guy who sits in front of me, i feel like just whacking him for backstabbing... another 3 more months then i leave... sigh...
Its late afternoon, like 4.41pm to be specific. Spending my sunday doing hw, *exhale*. I've only done like english hw since like 11 in the morning. BTW do not follow the time posted, its bullshitting~ BACK TO BLOODY HW, DIE MATHS DIE!
Word of the day: Chocolate
I maybe childish and whatever diss you might say. But if it weren't for me, you and that girl would be still living your own separate lives if i did not become so kepo. One guy would still dislike the girl, and she would still hate his idiotic character. Then now, when like after you two started like becoming close friends again i've been slowly being forgotten or drifting away. Do you know how sad it is? to like have a best friend you hang out a lot then suddenly things just chage over one holiday. YES i considered YOU my best friend. But then hols started, your charactor and attitude change. You keep rejecting on my suggestions to do something. OK sure i understand you have plans but at least have a the courtesy to tell me you are busy for the week instead of turning me down with "nah" and etc... That way i could have gone out with my mom to vietnam but no i rejected her offer to spend with my dad there and instead im stuck in singapore got nothing to do and feeling left out of everything. SPEAKING OF BEING LEFT OUT, you guys went out to see kidnapper... i wanted to go too but sorry i could have spoiled you lover's mood... And also i just want to make a new friend, fine i broke your promise, sorry, but she just keeps taking your side doesn't she, "you are nicer" and etc from her...
I ain't angry but i am fucking pissed...
i get you two together, im happy for you two, i dont expect to get an appreciation but DON'T FUCKING TREAT ME LIKE AN ASSHOLE YOU BACKSTABBER! IF YOU GOT YOUR REASONS I LIKE TO HEAR IT!
Today in the morning when i went out to swim training at about 8.30+, i feel like shitting and my stomach was hurting in the bus, the girl next to me thought i was constipated... The intervals of bus stopping made me want to shit more cause of the stop and go motion... Then i finnaly couldn't hold it in any longer, I WAS ABOUT TO SHIT IN MY JAMMERS. Then i rushed to the nearest kopitiam and the men toliet was all full... in desperation i went to the ladies toilet, THANK GOD NO ONE WAS THERE. Then a few mins later, a great load has been lifted, on problem... NO TOILET PAPER... Then i was late and rushing, i took my spare undies and wiped my butt. Those were the good undies... and i threw them away... Then i arrived at the complex and just got shouted a little...
One thing went well, the girl i like who hates me now is cooling down over time, when the other swimmers made fun of her and me being together, she keeps smiling but when she looks at me, she gave me a dead expression. But a smile is worth seeing~
Word of the day: Leprosy
I'm out~
Great i just lost another friend, and she is from swimming, and i really, really, really like her. That's all i can say, NO QUESTIONS. argh what to do...
Question of the moment:
What do you do when you made your friend pissed at you?
answer in the comments below~
i just remembered something... if it weren't for me, my friend his friend would have not become like close friends again. And now i am being shut out of their lives. FML. im like just so fucking sad right now... what to do, God please give me an answer...
I'm loosing good friends... accursed fate... I really just want the way things were before. Just no fight or whatsoever, i apologise whatsoever i did wrong, just like don't change la~
On an irrelevant note: My muscles hurt like hell, going training days straight is hard to recover.
Word of the day: Desolate
Question of the day: What's food to you?
Answer in the comment section below~
I'm new as you people with eyes can see, welcome to my new born blog. Please feel free to girl constructive criticism, comments, any ideas and excetera~